<!--G-Sky is a new type of free community site for mobile phones based on the location information.--> Compatible Models FAQ * If the domain restriction has been set up for receiving emails, please change the setting to receive emails from $d. <br />
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[ Article 8 ] Prohibition
(1) another person's property, privacy and image rights violations to the act, the act of defamation or
(2) user ID act of transfer to third parties or used
(3) discriminate against another person, the act of slander, acts violating honor or reputation of others
(4) acts of third parties to publish information and conduct steal or mental harm on others economically
(5) sends video and audio and picture pornographic or violent messages, post, transmit action
(6) Acts obscene, threatening behavior, stalking
(7) The act of collecting personal information stored on other users
(8) The invitation is not authorized by the Company sales, advertising and promotional activities
(9) The act of unauthorized access to our server.
(10) act to interfere with our operation of the Service do
(11) and other acts deemed inappropriate by the Company

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