G-Sky is a free community site for mobile phones
Since G-Sky is a service that is operated by advertising fees, the registration fees and monthly fees are free of charge. Also, please note that you will not be charged when you withdrawal your membership.
- *Note
- You maybe be charged when using additional functions on the site. However, our basic features are available for free.
The nature of the site, G-Sky consists a lot of contents which uses a vast amount of data so we recommend that you get an unlimited or large size data usage plan.
If you do not get the plan above, you may be charged high fees.
For those who do not receive our email
If you set your email setting "not to receive emails from G-Sky",it might cause a hindrance for the use of this service. For those who receive email from designated domain only (incoming domain specified), please configure the email settings for receiving mail from"gsky.mobi".
- *Note
- If your registered email address is changed, emails from our service cannot be received. Please change the registered email address through [Change Settings] → [Change Address].
About sending the location information
Please be assured that the location information of G-Sky does not determine your exact location.
Please note that G-Sky is a site specified for mobile phone only.
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