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[Disclosure of personal information]
In G-Sky, to disclose personal information to third parties without your consent will not.

However, companies that cooperate with the Company a confidentiality agreement, we will only disclose personal information to partners and outsourcing companies.

In that case, as well as services provided by the Company in compliance with rules and regulations regarding personal information, manage it mandatory that personal information in compliance with covenants in the Company. Also, when asked to disclose personal information from customers themselves can range information in the notification within a reasonable time. Except in the case the following will disclose your personal information.
If you are asked to disclose personal information in accordance with the law followed by the Company (the court, prosecutors, police and other legal organizations, providing information from the user ID and registration information, to disclose when asked about the registration profile) , we may disclose information in response to this.
However, if you use outside the scope of the purpose of collecting personal information, do the prior consent of the customer himself.

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